
Senior Fellow Applications Now Available!

  • 23 March 2023


Applications for the Legal Writing Senior Fellow program are now available. Interested second-year students, with a record of excellence in legal writing, are encouraged to apply. Please complete the application and e-mail to Ms. Charlene Washington ( by Friday, March 31, at 9:00 a.m.  You may submit your answers in a separate document. Be sure to attach a current CV with your application. Contact Prof. Donelon by email ( with any questions.


LRW Senior Fellows will earn four credit hours upon successful completion of the course. Two credits will be applied in the fall, and two credits will be applied in the spring. The credit will be posted at the conclusion of the academic year.


You may also submit an application to serve as a Senior Fellow in the International L.L.M. program. Any questions relating to the international program should be directed to Professor Herb Larson (


Please note the following:

  • Students must accept a Senior Fellow position if offered.
  • Senior Fellows must attend their LRW section class meetings. Senior Fellows may not schedule classes that overlap with their assigned LRW section.