Students interested in registering for Directed Research in either the summer or fall terms must complete a statement of interest indicating why they would like to pursue a particular project. The statement must be written or typed on the Directed Research Application form. The directed research application is also located on the Academic Services page of the TLS Intranet under the Course Documents heading. No student may apply to more than one professor in the same semester for a directed research project. Students should consult with their proposed supervising professor before completing and submitting the Directed Research Application form. The Directed Research Application form must be turned in to Academic Services by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 13th. The faculty member will select the students who will be allowed to register for a directed research project. Only students whose names appear on the list for directed research will be registered. Those who are not selected are encouraged to either register for a relevant course or to reapply in the following semester.
Students wishing to apply for a Fall 2020 seminar course should submit the seminar application form to Academic Services by 5:00 pm on Monday, April 13th The seminar application form is also located on the Academic Services page of the TLS Intranet under the Course Documents heading. The selections for the seminar courses will be posted by April 21st. Please note that students may apply for only one seminar which could meet the writing requirement, but may register for more seminar courses should there be openings available after the application process has been completed.
Students who wish to enroll in a simulation course should submit their ranked preferences on the Simulation Course Preferences Application by 5:00 pm on Monday, April 13th. The Simulation Course Preferences Form can be accessed at
The Office of Academic Services will post a list of students who will be pre-registered for each simulation course. In allocating courses, we will give priority among other considerations to those students who require additional experiential credits to graduate or for bar eligibility. Students who are not placed in their first choice of simulation course will be added to the waitlist for that course. A student who does not want to take a course for which the student is pre-registered or waitlisted should drop it through Gibson promptly and notify Academic Services. Any remaining seats in a simulation course may be taken by other upper-class or graduate students on a first-come, first-served basis through Gibson. Likewise, if students pre-registered for a simulation course drop the course, students may register for open seats in that course on a first-come, first-served basis through Gibson.