
Additions to Fall 2020 schedule

  • 17 July 2020

There have been a couple of course additions to the Fall 2020 schedule.  The following classes have been added to the Fall schedule:


Constitutional Criminal Procedure: Investigation – 2LAW2300-01 (CRN 98623)

Professor Hancock

Tues/Thurs 1:15-2:36 pm

3 credits

Offered remotely

Exam date - 11/24


US Trade & Investment Policy – 4LAW6510-01 (CRN 99863)

Professor Hamdy

Tues/Thursday 11:40-1:01

3 credits

Room 202

Exam date - 11/23


Please contact Academic Services if you have any questions about this information.

Revised course and exam schedule information for Fall 2020

  • 17 July 2020

 Dear Students,


There have been several changes to the Fall 2020 class schedule, with adjustments to class meeting times and room assignments.  Please note that we are still working on collecting information for those students who plan to participate remotely, and are working out the details for classroom capacity based upon the information we have received from the health and safety experts.   It is possible that changes to room assignments or course capacity could be made prior to the start of the fall semester.  


An updated copy of the Fall 2020 Registration Materials including the schedule of course offerings (Section IV) has been posted on the Academic Services page of the TLS Intranet along with the schedule grid.  All changes that have been made since the initial distribution of these materials are indicated in red.   If the course is planned to be offered completely online, it will be listed as such in the listing of courses.   Please note that portions of some classes that are being taught in person may be offered remotely.  The class schedule information for all courses offered at Tulane, including the law courses, is also available online at



Tulane Commences Distribution of CARES Act HEERF Funds Directly to Students

  • 5 June 2020

Tulane University is beginning to disburse approximately $2.77 million dollars in emergency financial aid grants from funding the University is receiving under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act’s Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) directly to many students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus during the recently completed 2020 spring semester. Please follow this link for more information.

May 2020 Graduate List

  • 13 May 2020

This is the May 2020 Graduate List reflecting students who will be certified for graduation on May 16, 2020.  Note that this list does not include anyone who has requirements pending and are not yet certified, or those expected to graduate in the upcoming summer or fall semester.  Those students will be certified once the degree requirements are completed. 


Please also note that if you have a confidentiality indicator selected on your record, your name will not be printed on this list.  This does not mean you are not certified for graduation; this only means that the privacy policy does not allow for your name to be printed. 


The cutoff this year for Order of the Coif is 3.792.  The cutoffs for JD Latin honors status are as follows:


Summa Cum Laude – 3.911

Magna Cum Laude – 3.724

Cum Laude – 3.561


Summa Cum Laude was extended to the top 3.5% of the May graduating class, Magna Cum Laude was extended to the top 15% and Cum Laude represents the top third of the May graduating class at 33.33%


Congratulations to all the graduates!




Additional Exam Announcements

  • 24 April 2020

If you have not already done so, please make sure to use the Mock test for spring 2020. We created the mock test for spring 2020 to include an attachment similar to how the test will be attached to the exam file.    Students should use the Spring 2020 mock test to practice use of the software and accessing an attachment so that they are prepared for the exam period.   You would be able to access attached documents under Exam Controls or under Tools. 


An additional 10 minutes will be added to all exam times in order to allow students to review, read and/or print the test document.   Please note that exams which do not allow for internet access will disable Wi-Fi once you have logged in to start the exam.   Those who have wireless printers may wish to use a cable to connect the printer to the laptop directly. 


It should be noted that exams which allow for internet access will have the copy/paste function disabled; however all other functions, such as the search or find tool, spellcheck and other word processing tools will remain active.


Please review all of the information in Exams FAQ document.    The Examplify troubleshooting guide and Examplify instructions are available under the Exam Information link on the Intranet for your reference.


Note the following information:

  • If there are questions about the exam instructions or content please contact Academic Services at or call 504-862-8835.
  • Any student who has an illness or emergency which could affect their ability to take an exam should contact the Assistant Dean of Students, Abigail Gaunt at or 504-865-5940.
  • If there are any problems specifically with the exam software, please reference the troubleshooting guide or contact the 24/7 support line for ExamSoft at 866-429-8889 or
  • If you have general computer questions contact the Law School Help Desk for help and information at or leave a message on the Law School Tech Support line at (504) 862-8666. An IT staff member will return your call as soon as possible.