Dear Graduating Students,
Welcome back! I hope you had a relaxing break and that classes are off to a good start.
As initial bar application deadlines approach for several states, including Louisiana and Texas, I know some of you already have started the bar application process. If you have questions about the process, please feel free to set up a time to discuss at I’m also available to notarize documents by appointment on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (don’t sign your documents before coming in). Dean’s Certificates should be submitted to Academic Services, either by hard copy to Suite 204 or by email to, depending on the state’s instructions.
If you haven’t started this process, I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the deadlines for any states you are considering (California, New York, and Florida aren’t due until April/May). You can search bar application requirements and components by jurisdiction using the interactive map here. The Comprehensive Guide to Bar Admission Requirements, published by the American Bar Association, provides general information on each Bar. The book includes tables that provide an easy comparison of the rules, regulations, fees, deadlines, and general information for each state. You are encouraged to confirm the information with the jurisdiction’s bar admission directly, particularly given Covid-19 related changes.
As a reminder to Louisiana students who completed the Law Student Registration Process in their 2L year, you must submit a separate application to sit for the bar. Visit the