
Spring 2020 Seminar, Directed Research and Simulation Course application process

  • 28 October 2019


Students interested in registering for Directed Research in the spring term must complete a statement of interest indicating why they would like to pursue a particular project.  The statement must be written or typed on the Directed Research Application form.  The directed research application is also located on the Academic Services pageof the TLS Intranet under the Course Documents heading, or may be picked up from the Academic Services Office.  No student may apply to more than one professor in the same semester for a directed research project.  Students should consult with their proposed supervising professor before completing and submitting the Directed Research Application form.   The Directed Research Application form must be turned in to the Academic Services Office (Room 204) by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 8th.  The faculty member will select the students who will be allowed to register for a directed research project.  Only students whose names appear on the list for directed research will be registered.  Those who are not selected are encouraged to either register for a relevant course or to reapply in the following semester. 



Students wishing to apply for a Spring 2020 seminar course should submit the seminar application form to Academic Services (room 204) by 5:00 pm on Friday, November 8th The seminar application form is also located on the Academic Services page of the TLS Intranet under the Course Documents heading, or may be picked up from the Academic Services Office.  The selections for the seminar courses will be posted by November 27th.  Please note that students may apply for only one seminar which could meet the writing requirement, but may register for more seminar courses should there be openings available after the application process has been completed



Students who wish to enroll in a simulation course should submit their ranked preferences on the Simulation Course Preferences Form by 5:00 pm on Friday, November 8th.  There is a link to indicate Simulation Course Preferences located on the TLS Intranet at 

The Office of Academic Services will post a list of students who w

Spring 2020 Registration Materials and Class Schedule

  • 28 October 2019
The registration materials for the Spring 2020 semester are posted on the Academic Services page of the TLS Intranet under the COURSE DOCUMENTS heading.     



Students may also take advantage of the online schedule of classes at to search for specific courses.  You select the Schedule of Classes option, then make sure the correct semester is indicated under Term.  Here you can search for courses by instructor or subject area, and you can find courses that may meet the Experiential Learning requirement by selecting the Professional Skills option under the Curriculum Requirements heading.  
Students may also use the online schedule of classes to help plan their schedule.    Click on the ADD button next to the course to add it to your planner.  Then click on the My Planner tab to see a weekly schedule based upon the courses you selected.  Please note that using the schedule of classes to develop a planner is an advising tool only and does not indicate that you have registered for classes.  Course registration must be completed using the Registration option via Gibson Online.  Note that there is a Monday-Friday class grid posted on the on the Academic Services page of the TLS Intranet for your reference. 


Registration will be conducted online via Gibson at  Log in using the same username and password used to access your Tulane email, click on the Student tab and then select the Register (drop/add) option under Student Self-Service, or you may select the Register (Add/Drop) link from the online schedule of classes at to link to online registration via Gibson. 


Registration for 3L and LLM students will begin at 8:00 am on December 3, 2019.  Registration for 2L students will begin at 8:00 am on December 4, 2019.


If there are any questions about the registration process please contact Academic Services or stop by room 204 and we will be happy to assist you.

Guide for Law Students for New York Character and Fitness Process

  • 28 October 2019

Please review the letter to law students from the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court, as well as a short guide for law students about the character and fitness process.  

Students who are planning to apply for the New York bar are urged to carefully review the character and fitness process,  The forms are available online and you may start to assemble your questionnaire answers and materials while you are still in law school.   


Please take steps to review and understand the process for application, and begin the process early. 

Accepting Financial Aid Through Gibson Online 2019-2020

  • 28 October 2019

Scholarship and/or other aid may be viewed but not accepted on Gibson Online until Terms and Conditions are accepted in Gibson Online. See below for steps.

  1. Log onto Gibson Online ( using your Tulane e-mail credentials.
  2. Click on the “Financial Aid” tab near the top
  3. You should then be on the “Start” tab page
  4. If you see a line near the top that says “Click here to accept Terms and Conditions," click that line, read and press the "Accept" button at the bottom when ready
  5. Click on the “Overview” tab
  6. Make acceptance decisions in the far right column on the page
  7. In the "Accept Award" column for each item, choose Undecided, Accept or Decline.  For each item accepted, in the "Accept Partial Amount" column, type in the amount you would like to accept.  Finally press the "submit decision" button when you are finished.  (Do not press the "Accept Full Amount All Awards" button unless you really want to accept ALL items listed, including any loan eligibility listed!)

Fall 2019 Exam Numbers Assigned

  • 28 October 2019

The exam numbers (blind grading IDs) for the Fall 2019 semester have been assigned.  Students will use this one exam number assigned to them for all examinations taken or assignments done anonymously during the fall term.  This is different than any exam number used during a previous semester.


To access your exam number log on to GIBSON online and select the Blind Grading ID option under the Law School Services heading. Then choose Fall 2019 when prompted for the term.


Information regarding exams procedures and instructions will be posted closer to the exam period.
